GBC Motorsports would like to congratulate ATV racers Ed Franco and Ralph Rodriguez on being the first two winners of the Friday Night Lights ATV Summer Series raffle.
Both Franco and Rodriguez took home a set of GBC Motorsports’ Bomb Squad MX tires, the high performance ATV MX tire designed in conjunction with ATV racing legend Wes Miller and H-Bomb Films’ Bomb Squad ATV team.
GBC Motorsports will raffle off another set of Bomb Squad MX tires at the upcoming round of the FNL ATV Summer Series on August 12th.
Bomb Squad MX tires incorporate both the Bomb Squad and H-bomb logos into a unique dual-directional tread pattern for better forward traction and braking performance.
The tires also feature a high knob count to allow racers looking for the ultimate in performance to groove the tires to better suit track conditions.
The Friday Night Lights ATV Summer Series at Milestone MX Park in Riverside, Calif. is one of the most successful amateur ATV racing series in Southern California, and GBC Motorsports is proud to support local ATV racing.
The series draws amateurs from all over California, as well as pro racers like Jeremie Warnia and David Haagsma.
For more information on GBC Motorsports’ products, including the Bomb Squad MX tire line, check out