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I have noticed recently the Georgia OHV riding areas near my home have been neglected and I have to wonder how long they will last.

Trail heads in my area are in desperate need of full-on loader work and I’m sure this is common in your riding area too. With our government using trail fees for who knows what I fear it won’t be long before more of our trails become unusable.

Companies like Yamaha with its GRANTs initiative or the Polaris T.R.A.I.L.S. Grant Program offer assistance where there’s a need. However, do we need to win the grant lottery year after year just to keep our trails open? No, it comes down to you and me.

So where do we go at this point? How can I personally keep where I ride in shape without going broke trying to keep it going?

Here’s a few suggestions: Volunteer your time to cleaning up litter on the trails or in the parking lot of the area you ride at, join a club and raise funds to pay for trail maintenance, be outspoken on keeping these areas safe and clean.

When trails close due to misuse or our funding gets pulled, what do we do? Its the responsibility of all riders to pitch in and keep our trails in shape, so let’s get busy!

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