Polaris teased our brains with a very cryptic posting on its website yesterday. Looks like the industry can expect something big in the Polaris RZR lineup to show its face on January 1st, 2011.
This has our heads spinning and wondering just what Polaris has up its sleeve, which we will speculate on after some further discussion.
Something of interest for any enthusiast though is the opportunity to win your very own Polaris Ranger RZR.
This one’s very easy, just click on one of the banners you see on this page or on the link below, fill in your contact info and click the “Submit Entry” button. No trick questions or convoluted forms to fill out, just sign up and you’re done.
This contest is worth a look even if Polaris isn’t your brand. Who wouldn’t appreciate new metal occupying prime real estate in their garage, right?!