Cat’s Lineup Rich With Big Bore Sport Utes

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In case there was any confusion on this topic, in the last issue of All-Terrain Vehicle Magazine we announced the arrival of a 700cc EFI powered Arctic Cat 4×4. The new powerplant used by Cat is in fact, the Suzuki 700 EFI, same as used in the King Quad.

As most informed observers know, Suzuki owns one third of Arctic Cat and is its primary supplier for ATV and snowmobile powerplants. The arrival of the 700 EFI motor in the successful and capable Arctic Cat 4×4 chassis makes the company one of the most prolific suppliers of Big Bore Sport/Utility models.

Its line up now includes the domestic-built (not Suzuki) Hemi 650 single, the smooth and melodic 650 V-twin (Kawasaki) and now the 700 EFI.

All these models feature AC’s FIS fully independent rear suspension, single lever brakes, CVT tranny, shiftable 4×4 with front diff-lock and Arctic Cat’s innovative modular rack system that provides the attachment of one bi-jillion accessories including a fully transportable duck blind/ice hut.

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