Can-Am UTV Skid Control

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If you’re familiar with Can-Am’s on-road Spyder Roadster street vehicle you may know about some of its unique technical features.

The Spyder is equipped with ABS brakes, skid control and a new one – “yaw” control. This feature can sense when the vehicle is becoming tippy or leaning too far and correct its posture by applying electronic throttle and brake control on the left and right sides of the vehicle. Cool stuff – and it works!

We were wondering if this same technology would ever be applied to a SxS and we think it makes big sense – especially in light of Yamaha’s recent legal struggles with its extremely popular Rhino. Think of a utility or high performance UTV that simply couldn’t be rolled over!

Certainly, the space-age electronics would drive up costs but the net result would be an industry coup beyond imagination.

The technology exists and is no pipe dream. It’s being used, its paid for and perfected.

Maybe there’s more to this delayed Can-Am introduction than we thought.

By: Kent Lester

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