Major Bearing Failure and Clogged Oil Filter

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I have a new JS 400 4×4 bought in march 2006. I took it in for repairs as I could hear a loud ticking from the motor. The mecanic told me that an internal bearing was seized on the shaft and that the oil filter was plugged solid with metal filings.

This was its first servicing as it only has 200 clicks on it. My question is what are the chances of the rest of the internal parts being damaged from the metal filings?

Lionel Kersey


Thanks for your email!

In the case of a major bearing failure and metal filings clogging the oil filter I would suggest the engine should be torn down and completely cleaned, checked for any other related problems and then reassembled.

Simply repairing the bearing without a complete disassembly (if it’s possible to repair the bearing without doing this) of the engine and then returning the motor to service will most likely net another problem.

Your dealer should contact the maker for further advice on the recommended extent of this repair. I assume you are under warranty?

Motorhead Mark

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